Rent review survey is important for the sector, says Tenant Farming Commissioner
The Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, has urged as many tenant farmers as possible to complete a government survey on rent reviews.
All of Scotland’s tenant farmers have been sent a survey form by post to be completed and returned by 24 May 2021. The survey results will be used to inform a review of the rent review test and process for agricultural tenancies.
Mr McIntosh said: “This is an important issue. Taking part in the survey is one good way for tenant farmers to have their views and experiences taken into account and I hope that as many as possible find the five or ten minutes needed to complete the survey.” The sector needs a fair and widely accepted method for rent reviews and this is an opportunity for tenants to give their views on how well the current system delivers that.
Find out more about the TFC's work on our website, including the Code of Practice on Conducting Rent Reviews.