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Wishawhill Wood Pump Track

Creating a world-class community facility in an area of multiple deprivation was the work of a partnership between Central Scotland Green Network and the Wishaw MTB Club, with the long term vision of providing an outlet for positive engagement with young people and discouraging anti-social behaviour in the area. 

Since opening in 2018, police and fire service call outs to the previously derelict site have dramatically reduced, and neighbours report a drop off of vandalism and anti-social behaviour. The Wishawhill Wood Pump Track facility has also brought the community together, and inspired the launch of a new social enterprise to support track based activities.

It’s clear that this development has been successful in changing perceptions, outlooks, and lives by providing a place where young people are welcome and are free to learn new biking skills.

Vacant and derelict land taskforce

The community celebrates the opening of the Wishawhill Wood Pump Track