
Land rights and responsibilities - have your say

Gemma Campbell looks at the Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement and why it is important to have your say.


New Guide to Help Avoid Disputes over Fixed Equipment

In his latest blog, Tenant Farming Commissioner Bob McIntosh explores ways to avoid disagreements using his latest Guide to Fixed Equipment on Agricultural Holdings in Scotland.


New environmental policies must be ‘tenant-proofed’

The Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, looks at COP26, carbon credits, and ensuring that environmental policies are 'tenant-proofed.'


Land & Human Rights - Revisited: Why they're relevant now

In the ninth in our 'Land &' series of blogs, Malcolm Combe explores the work of the new Land and Human Rights Advisory Forum in his role as Chair.


Land & Communities – Community land ownership and health

In the eighth blog of our 'Land &' series, Dr Bobby Macaulay outlines the practical means through which community land ownership can improve health in Scotland.


It’s not just farmers who use and need land

The Tenant Farming Commissioner reflects on the connections with tenant farming and how his work is acting as an important forerunner to wider land reform.


Land & Climate Change - Shaping the natural capital market in the public interest

In the next blog in our Land & series, Hamish Trench looks at how we can shape the rapidly developing natural capital market in the public interest


Tenant farmers look for clarity on future agricultural policy

In his latest blog, Tenant Farming Commissioner Bob McIntosh looks at three pressing issues: future support, carbon trading, and smoke alarms.


Land & Communities – More than 'one size fits all'

In the next blog in our ‘Land &’ series, Karlene Doherty, Vacant and Derelict Land Project Manager at DTAS, looks at the role of communities in driving regeneration and bringing land and buildings back into use.


Land & Housing – Why Land for Housing Matters

In the fifth in our ‘Land &’ blog series, Senior Policy Officer David Stewart explores why land for housing matters for much more than homes – it has an impact on the economy, the environment, and the wellbeing of everyone in Scotland.


The importance of making a record of agreements

In his latest blog, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, discusses the importance of record-keeping to protect both parties when making agreements between tenant farmers and landlords.


Land & Human Rights – The Tide of History is Lapping Over Scotland's Land

The fourth in our series of 'Land &' blogs is from Alan Miller, Professor of Practice in Human Rights at Strathclyde University, who explores the connection between ‘land & human rights.’


Land & Climate Change – Exploiting our natural capital for the benefit of all

In the third of our series of ‘Land &’ blogs, Head of Policy and Research, Shona Glenn, looks at the connection between the value of land and Scotland’s climate change targets, and how we can all benefit from natural capital and the land use transformation.


Relinquishment and Assignation of Secure Tenancies – Have all the information ready before proceeding

In his latest blog, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, discusses the considerations if tenant farmers are thinking of giving up their lease.


Land & Climate Change - A just land use transformation

In the second of our series of ‘Land &’ blogs, Head of Land Rights and Responsibilities Emma Cooper looks at the connection between land and Scotland’s climate change targets and the focus on a just transition.


Land & Scotland's Big Ambitions - Harnessing the potential of our land

In the first of our new series of ‘Land &’ blogs, Chief Executive Hamish Trench looks at the connections between land and some of Scotland’s big ambitions for the economy, climate and communities.


Taking Stock

In his latest blog, Tenant Farming Commissioner Bob McIntosh looks at how his work is having an impact in the sector.


New guides to ensure compliance in tenanted sector

The Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, discusses his upcoming guidance on compliance in our latest blog.


Land reform is happening

In this latest blog, Chair of the Scottish Land Commission, Andrew Thin, reflects on the recent ‘Attitudes to Land Reform’ report and the role of land reform in creating a successful Scotland.


Tackling land market failures is essential to getting more homes built in Scotland

Land Commissioner David Adams highlights the importance of addressing the failures in our current land market to improve the availability of housing in Scotland in our latest blog.


Scotland's Land Market: Time to Reform

Shona Glenn explores the crucial need to focus on Land Rights and Responsibilities in addressing market failure to reform the land market in Scotland in our latest blog.


TFC Guidance on Relinquishment and Assignation

The TFC provides advice on the new legislation relating to relinquishment and assignation.


Municipal Forests v Community Woodlands - Reflections from 2020 National Student Award Winner

Our 2020 National Student Award Winner Heloise Le Moal shares her experience and research.


New mediation scheme encourages all to give it a try

In the hope that mediation will become a more popular means to resolve disputes, the TFC discusses the new scheme to make access to mediation easier and more affordable in his latest blog.


Tackling Climate Change – A window of opportunity

In our latest blog, Chief Executive Hamish Trench discusses the importance of today’s Climate Emergency Summit on the topic of land, and reflects on the transformational change needed in land use to tackle Scotland’s big challenges.


An important new opportunity for secure tenants

Bob McIntosh, Tenant Farming Commissioner, shares his thoughts on the Relinquishment and Assignation provisions introduced by the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016, which come into force early in 2021.